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Tangiers Adventure Moors

Posted: Wed Apr 12, 2006 8:28 am
by Anonymous
Any suggestions for figure manufacturers who might produce suitable minis for Moors?

Posted: Wed Apr 12, 2006 10:33 am
by Mats
Hi Ad,

I think the Zanzibari mercenaries in Foundry's Darkest Africa range offer a great start for creating Moorish troops of the time. Of course you need to alter their rifles, add some powder bags, but that's doable. You could mix in some Perry Bedouin cavalry from their Crusades range for the feudal feel.

Hope this helps :)


Posted: Wed Apr 12, 2006 1:10 pm
by barr7430
One of the Augsburg games I was most pleased with was a Tangier Adventure which Duncan Macfarlane christened 'Might is Right'. This was in fact the very first collaboration I ever made with David Imrie and his contribution along with the rest if us was More MOORS!

What we used then were Old Glory Nubians or Numidians or something like that from their Crusdaer range. I doubt whether too many of the Moors in the 17th century would have had firearms. More likely to be spears and bows with lance armed or javelin armed cavalry.


Posted: Wed Apr 12, 2006 2:22 pm
by Mats
barr7430 wrote:I doubt whether too many of the Moors in the 17th century would have had firearms.
What I understand is that there was an abundance of the stuff in the coastal areas. As early as the late 16th century, North Africans were exporting fire arms to the trans-saharan african kingdoms.

But their use may have been restricted to coastal garrissons and (barbary) pirates, I'm not sure :?

My 2 cents!

Mats :)

Posted: Wed Apr 12, 2006 2:53 pm
by barr7430
Could be right Mats :wink: We never really researched the Moors very thoroughly as the whole game came as a sort of adjunct to the Grand Alliance units we were building at the time. I would be more than willing to accept the widespread use of firearms amongst the natives of the African coastal areas. I guess tactically they would have been 'nowhere' with guns but then again, neither were the English at that stage!!! :roll: