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Spanish Infantry Colours During War of Spanish Succession

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2012 5:06 pm
by BP
Now I am a mere neophyte in this area, and mainly just a passing interest from reading the forum here, but it struck me that there is very little info on the uniforms and colours of the Spanish in Flanders given the main conflict in the era is named after them?

I did a little bit of digging but most uniform details popped up for the conflict in Spain. So does anybody have any details on the Spanish in Flanders? I found the following website which was an interesting read

But very little on the uniforms and colours. I know they were incorporated within the Franco/Bavarian army(which should have been called the Franco Spanish army more often than not apparently) but thats about it.

So over to you resourceful chaps.

Thanks in advance


Re: Spanish Infantry Colours During War of Spanish Successio

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2012 8:52 pm
by Friedrich August I.
Hi Bill,

I am as far as you from this time to know anything about it but here are some
websites to broden your knowledge base :wink: ... succession

I found both very usefull

Hope that helps

Re: Spanish Infantry Colours During War of Spanish Successio

Posted: Sat Sep 08, 2012 12:12 pm
by BP

Many thanks for that.


Re: Spanish Infantry Colours During War of Spanish Successio

Posted: Sun Sep 09, 2012 9:38 am
by simon boulton
great links Gunter, thanks for posting them.

The second one has some very useful plates of the uniforms just prior to the WSS, including the regiments in Flanders. They are certainly a colourful lot :D
I believe that the old Tercio uniforms would have still been worn well into the WSS until they got replaced by the French style uniforms.

Maverick flags do a number of Spanish flags for unidentified regiments so my approach is to use them with the uniform info available. I'm really tempted to do one of the regiments with violet coats even though they didn't fight in Flanders which is where my main interest is :lol:
Best wishes,

Re: Spanish Infantry Colours During War of Spanish Successio

Posted: Sun Sep 09, 2012 10:25 pm
by footslogger
simon boulton wrote:great links Gunter, thanks for posting them.

Maverick flags do a number of Spanish flags for unidentified regiments so my approach is to use them with the uniform info available. I'm really tempted to do one of the regiments with violet coats even though they didn't fight in Flanders which is where my main interest is :lol:
Best wishes,
Adolfo Ramos makes some very nice Spanish flags as well.

Re: Spanish Infantry Colours During War of Spanish Successio

Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2012 11:57 pm
by Captain of Dragoons
For the earlier period on the Terico Website it lists Tercio de Zúñiga and Tercio de Mancheño as having fought at Neerwinden.

A Terico of infantry would add some flavour to a table top Confederate Army.

Any idea on uniforms or flags for these two units?



Re: Spanish Infantry Colours During War of Spanish Successio

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2012 4:47 am
by Friedrich August I.

Re: Spanish Infantry Colours During War of Spanish Successio

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2012 7:43 am
by simon boulton
Zuniga wore grey coats with blue cuffs, waistcoat, trousers and stockings,
Best wishes,

Re: Spanish Infantry Colours During War of Spanish Successio

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2012 8:10 pm
by eboracomb
Hi Bill
Simon is on the right track with his idea that the old tercio uniforms would have still been about well into the WSS period,but it seems most likely that the Spanish units in Flanders would have changed to the French style uniform earlier than the units in Spain,I don't think there is any rock solid evidence for exact dates but some sources have Spanish units in their old uniforms as late as 1710 in Spain,the Spanish units in Flanders would quite early on become less colourful as they adopted mainly white uniforms,I've added pictures of Spanish foot of the old tercio's from my range of figures painted by Javier Gomez I hope you like them.

cheers Nick Image

Re: Spanish Infantry Colours During War of Spanish Successio

Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2012 12:35 pm
by simon boulton
Have found a bit more info about the uniforms for Zuniga and Mancheno. This is from the regimental returns from 1701 but may well have been the same as worn previously.

Grey-white coat, blue cuffs, veste, stockings and breeches. White neckcloth and hat lace and tin buttons. Sergeants had silver lace on the cuffs and hat. Officers the same as the men but with a red sash and silver lace. The drummers uniform was a red coat with blue cuffs, veste, breeches and stockings and white lace.

Grey coat, red cuffs, veste and stockings. Grey breeches and white metal buttons. Sergeants had silver lace on the cuffs and hat. Officers had the same uniform but with gilt buttons and hat lace.

Has been fun trying to find info on the Spanish uniforms but there seems to be some contradictions in the information so it's a case of doing the one you like best :)

Re: Spanish Infantry Colours During War of Spanish Successio

Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2012 3:04 pm
by Rob Herrick
Do you know which units still were in the old color uniforms in 1710?

Re: Spanish Infantry Colours During War of Spanish Successio

Posted: Sun Sep 23, 2012 7:13 pm
by BP
Well, first test figure for Tercio de Zuniga.

Because I'll never paint any figures for this period.......
(note photography is even less of my strong suit than painting)



Re: Spanish Infantry Colours During War of Spanish Successio

Posted: Sun Sep 23, 2012 8:02 pm
by Captain of Dragoons
Thanks Gents for the info on those two battalions err...Tercio's :wink:
