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Comparison photos of warfare and North Star cavalry

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2012 8:50 pm
by Matt 1805
I have just posted a few photos of my two new French squadrons into photobucket. One uses North star's 1672 range (Dauphin Etranger in blue) the other is from Barry's own Warfare range (Conti regiment). They are side by side so comparisons can be made. You can find them here if you are interested: ... 0Augsburg/



Re: Comparison photos of warfare and North Star cavalry

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2012 9:21 pm
by El Cid
Nice, they fit very well.

I would be interested in comparison photos with Front Rank, which I use (exclusively until now).

Re: Comparison photos of warfare and North Star cavalry

Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2012 9:20 pm
by Matt 1805
I don't have any Front Rank Cavalry but their infantry is significantly larger than Warfare and noticably larger than the 1672. The North Star figures are bigger than Warfare but once based the difference doesn't seem particulalrly noticable. I enjoyed painting both but they are quite different in style. I like the overtly French style of the NS figure but I prefer the dynamism of the Warfare ones. I wasn't impressed with the casting for the NS figures - the horses had a fair bit of flash and pitting in the underside. The warfare castings were better than the infantry figures I brought a while ago, which also suffered a bit from pitting.

Re: Comparison photos of warfare and North Star cavalry

Posted: Thu Sep 20, 2012 8:56 am
by barr7430
Yes there was a bit of pitting which I have worked with our caters to eliminate. I am very interested in feedback of this type as quality is very important. We will do everything we can to improve quality ongoing. I have a very active feedback loop with both our sculptor and our casters regarding how we can ensure top quality. To that end, I have recentl had a couple of production moulds remade to eliminate mould lines that I was personally unhappy with. This was not a wide scale problem but had appeared here and there.

So, as long as the feedback is constructive I am very open to hearing it.

Re: Comparison photos of warfare and North Star cavalry

Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2012 8:21 pm
by Matt 1805
Hi Barry, I have absolutely no complaints about the mould lines - they were virtually non existant and as I said the figure casting is a real improvement. I did like the slighlty OTT feathers on the NS figures as well as the shoulder braiding and large moustaches - very characterful and easy to paint - perhaps you may consdier a figure variant in time. However I'll bring them along to Derby and you can compare them for yourself.

