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1672 figures- a question of fashion

Posted: Wed May 29, 2013 3:08 pm
by raggedroyalist
Hi can I use the North Star 1672 range - in particular the infantry for later periods- say 1685-1690?



Re: 1672 figures- a question of fashion

Posted: Wed May 29, 2013 4:02 pm
by simon boulton
Don't tell anyone but I use some of them for the WSS because I like the figures!

I think a lot of them can be used for the later period but would avoid the ones with the cuffs half way up their arms.
Best wishes,

Re: 1672 figures- a question of fashion

Posted: Wed May 29, 2013 11:15 pm
by Arthur
You could use some but not all of them. The Anglo-Dutch musketeers would work well for those units which had not yet made the transition from the crossbelts to the more modern waistbelt/shoulder belt combo (the Dutch Foot Guards are often depicted wearing the crossbelts at the Boyne). GS01, 02, 15 & 16 will pass muster for the campaigns in Ireland and the early phase of the Nine Years war. Ditto for the pikemen, though the armoured ones (pack GS04) would have been a rare sight on any battlefield past 1685 - helmets don't seem to have been used much past the 1670's.

As fo the French, they will be wrong for the late 1680's and 1690's as Simon says since both the accoutrements and the cut of the coat had changed significantly since the Dutch war : I wouldn't use the North Star/ex-Copplestone French figures beyond 1678/1680.