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Inspiration from Paintings... good or not ?

Posted: Mon Jun 09, 2014 9:51 am
by chema1986
Hello Gents,
I have seen on Lead-Adventure forum that someone posted the new painting from Augusto Ferrer Dalmau , titled "The Spanish Road"

I find it gorgeous and a great source of inspiration for miniature painting purposes... What do you think ?
Are nowadays paintings trustworthy with uniforms ? The previous painting is obviously from 30 years war, but with our "main" period , the Grand Alliance era and Marlburian , I have not seen so many paintings or illustrations, so I have collected a couple which deal with the LoA War...
I started painting my Spanish Army when I saw the pikeman in green with red facings... So for me, it was a great inspiration


And a military governor (this time is from 1700... but the uniform is clearly XVII-ish :wink:

I have chosen this painter and these paintings because they are Spanish like me and are easier to find here... But of course I would be very interested in paintings and sources of inspiration on other Powers... major or minor.

Regards !


Re: Inspiration from Paintings... good or not ?

Posted: Mon Jun 09, 2014 7:04 pm
by Artimas

Let us hope that the artist has taken the time to do the research as any
reputable historical artist would do. Nevertheless, the prints you have
shown us are beautiful and I can understand your inspiration. I guess you will have to do your own checking to make sure that you can come as close to authentic uniforms as is possible.


Re: Inspiration from Paintings... good or not ?

Posted: Tue Jun 10, 2014 9:04 am
by chema1986
Thanks Artimas ,
Yes , I trust this painter , the only concern about the painting of the League of Augsburg War's Pikeman, is the breastplate. I am not sure if it was worn in the battlefield or only in fortresses in that era...

p.d. any modern painters who paint battles or soldiers 1670-1700 ??



Re: Inspiration from Paintings... good or not ?

Posted: Tue Jun 10, 2014 1:22 pm
by PaulMc
I love this artist, I follow his updates and page on facebook. I also visit his website. I think he's great for inspiration, and as to a breastplate for the pikemen, yes they were used.

I wish Augusto would release a book of his works in the same fashion as Don Troiani or Keith Rocco.

Re: Inspiration from Paintings... good or not ?

Posted: Tue Jun 10, 2014 1:31 pm
by PaulMc
Nearly forgot about a couple of artists!

The other artist is Sean O'Brogain who has painted some absolutely outstanding stuff for this period, although all his work is brilliant. He illustrates Osprey books too.

If I can find or think of any more I'll let you know.

Re: Inspiration from Paintings... good or not ?

Posted: Tue Jun 10, 2014 9:21 pm
by barr7430
undoubtedly the paintings are magnificent! If the pikeman is meant to be from the NYW period then of course that is possible AND if Spanish then that may account for some of the potential anomalies>

coat colour possible (can be checked against the PSS Spanish book)
coat looks a bit short but could be cut down.
Back and breast for a pikeman.. possible.. some pikemen still used this equipment.. Swiss Guard are and example and the Spaniards were i believe somewhat wedded to the old ways.
Morion is a bit suspect I think but may be possible.
I thought the sword hilt style looked a little dated too.. but now I have joined the rivet counting brigade.. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagh

Re: Inspiration from Paintings... good or not ?

Posted: Tue Jun 10, 2014 10:17 pm
by chema1986
Thanks PaulMc , that artist is superb! I love his Great northern war plates :)

Barry, The colors are correct, the painter stated that it was a Pikeman of the Second tercio of Asturias, raised in 1693. I checked it with Giancarlo Boeri's book. And Yes, as far as I know, the French fashion was the norm, but the Spanish still had their own fashion mixed in... like the Morion ( I've seen them as late as 1707 in some illustrations). If you have read the "new" osprey Spanish Tercios book, the last plate I think has 3 illustrations of Spanish troops from the 1688-1697 period, and it shows a Pikeman with morion and cuirass.
Many thanks for the answers



Re: Inspiration from Paintings... good or not ?

Posted: Wed Jun 11, 2014 9:41 am
by Cameronian
Good to my mind; they are of course artistic interpretations so 'poetic licence' isn't out of place. Lady Butler's efforts come to mind and the Culloden guy, Morier?