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Did the Spanish use lancers in NYW?

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2022 9:31 pm
by TheRightfulKing2013
I have an ebook called "The Spanish Armies in the War of the League of Augsburg 1688-97" by Boeri and others. It mentions that the cavalry of Catalonia had 7 companies of cuirassiers "that could be named either Cuirassiers or Arquebusiers or even Lances".

I had thought that the Spanish had stopped using lances around 1640, when other sources on the Thirty Years War indicate the Governor's Guard of Flanders had some, though its debated whether these were for combat or just ceremonial.

Did Spain still use lances as a combat weapon in the Nine Years War of 1688-97, or were some cavalry just called "lancers" for reasons of tradition? The ebook I have mentions that certain units called "cuirassiers" had no longer worne cuirasses during this war.

A second question I have is regarding some infantry units referred to as "Arquebusiers" in the Nine Years War. Were they still using an Arquebus as that word was understood in the 16th and early 17th century, or was it a lightened musket or a caliver?