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ULB.Cumulative or did I read It wrong

Posted: Mon May 09, 2005 3:29 am
by Anonymous
Ok you have a band of highlanders standing up hill of there opponents.
they charge,
this -1 for raw
+1 Going downhill
+2 Charging this turn
+3 Tribal Infantry
That would scare the breeks off an Englishman or did I read it wrong?
Regards Lindsay

Posted: Mon May 09, 2005 9:55 pm
by barr7430
No Lindsay you did not read it wrong!

I figured that anyone daft enough to field a Highland army and use these rules needed some kind of incentive to get into combat! Otherwise, they would get shot to pieces and run away every time!

There is a precedent for the `situation' you created in the post which is Killiecrankie of course. The highland Army was outnumbered two to one. They had no artillery, they were tribal groups facing one of the most 'experienced' brigades in Europe - Scots-Dutch Brigade with more than 10 years service in Flanders and led by a very able commander Sir Hugh Mackay of Scourie who later led troops in Ireland and Flanders and was killed in action I think at Neerwinden(although I am not sure offhand). Of the other regiments present ; Ferdinando Hasting's men were drilled troops with at least home service under their belts. The Earl of Leven's were Scots of the 'zealot' variety with a political axe to grind against the pro Papist clans. Kenmore's were perhaps the least known commodity.
The battle was over in a matter of minutes with reputedly over 1,000 Government casualties!!! although I guess many of these were in the pursuit or deserted. Other examples can be found at Sherriffmuir 1715 and Falkirk and Culloden during the '45.

Alba go Bragh!


Posted: Tue May 10, 2005 12:16 pm
by Anonymous
Consider me daft :lol: Regards Lindsay

Posted: Mon May 16, 2005 10:18 pm
by thinredline
Ciamar a tha sibh - (how are you?)

No Lindsay, ye're nae daft pal ! But ah tell ye this man, if ah wis a poor wee sassanach (an ah mean lowland Scots as weel as Engleesh here) ah wid be fillin ma breechs as weel if ah wis tae face a highlan charge !

Barry was correct to take account of the reputation ( and I resort to the Queen's English now) of the Highland charge. I would say Barry has it summed up admirably - you really do not want to be facing these guys on their home ground in that period. Rumour and reputation asides, once these guys get going, it really is a question of honour and Clan pride - how do you measure this on a wargaming table ? I would suggest that if these guys reach the nicely formed Regimental lines in number (pre socket bayonet fixing -post "46"), your ability to resist would be seriously compromised. How you can achieve that by factors and dice rolls is open to interpretation.

Given that, and you have eloquated most excellently in your British Army Regimental Resumes, that The CAMERONIANS (a Regiment owing its foundation in the Covenanter Period 45 years earlier - and naturally ultra Protestant and very anti Catholic/Highlander), were reputedly the first to stop a Highland Charge by fire and the butt ends of their muskets at Dunkeld Cathedral ruins after Killiecrankie. Your casualty figures in review of the "Cameronians" show the level endured in that engagement, and probably reflect the reality of the engagement , bloody an fierce, nae quarter given.

I have to congratulate you on your research and level of postings. These have been of great benefit personally and obvioulsy the subject of much interesting reading. The Crimean War has been beneficial, even to a narrow minded "one period nit like me" , and also, may I also suggest respectfully to amny others, to the likes of Pappenheimuk, and many others.

Weel done ya son 'o' the Colonies (no disrespect intended !) :wink:

Faesgar math - (good evening)

Ours is not to reason why,
ours is but to do and die.

son of the colonies

Posted: Fri May 20, 2005 10:05 pm
by Anonymous
I am from Aberdeen in Scotland and like so many younger sons of Scotland I now live in West Virginia in the US( since 1996). Between 1715 and 1770 the Scots/irish population made up 70% 0f the total in the Appachain mountain chain. Jacobites for the main part. Regards Lindsay

Posted: Sat May 21, 2005 12:31 pm
by thinredline
My abject apologies Sir. :oops: :oops: :oops:

I believe our best export (apart from Uisge beatha of course) was, and still is, our people.


Bob Lauder
aka thinredline

Posted: Sun May 22, 2005 1:59 pm
by quindia
Are you telling me Scotland is responsible for Senator Byrd? :wink: