A short time ago I painted up some of the test sprues for the Perry Desert Rats plastics that were planned for release for Salute. This I did and then it was really a case of waiting to see what Michael would do with the miniatures. I tend to base my miniatures in a vignette manner anyway but boy was I surprised when I saw the finished thing! A really great diorama put together with skill and a real appreciation of drama. Excellent stuff! Of course I wasn't at Salute so I've had to scrounge the pics thus far, I know George Moriatis is responsible for one, the Perry's for the add on their website, which leaves one that i just lifted out of someone's "Pics of Salute"- if you took the pic, please come forward and I'll mention you!
I'm expecting more pics very soon so I'll let you know when they are available which shouldn't be long so do please keep an eye out if you're interested in this sort of thing (pics on my blog, http://justaddwater-bedford.blogspot.co ... ether.html too):

Hope you enjoy the pics and don't forget there will be more soon!