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RAF Leuchars D Day landings in 20mm

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2005 8:04 pm
by kutusov
Just wondered if anyone who hadn't heard was interested in attending the above being held on the 29th & 30th December at RAF Leuchars

9 10'x6' tables :shock: all 5 beaches and the Airbourne landings in 20mm :lol: being run by Jed and the RAF club it's sure to be a great couple of days using Rapid Fire 2 and some Home additions they need a minimum of 18 players and a couple of umpires and are still short of a few players. :(

Even if you could only make one of the days, I'm sure you'd be most welcome to play in what must be one of the biggest games staged in Scotland if not the UK.



Posted: Fri Dec 09, 2005 12:23 am
by barr7430
I might be up for that. What's the process for making a 'commitment' Bob


Posted: Fri Dec 09, 2005 11:51 am
by kutusov
Hi Barry

If you e-mail jed at this address [email protected]

As the game is taking place on the RAF base he would need your full name and your car details colour/make/reg. and address for the passes.

I believe as he is going down south soon on RAF business so he needs to make all the security arrangements before he goes.

Should be a spectacular game.
I've gone and ordered a set of the New rules as it's a while since I've played them i'll need to do some revision over Xmas.



d day

Posted: Sat Dec 10, 2005 6:21 pm
by barr7430
thanx Bob.

I e mailed Jeff. May well be able to attend

B :D

D_Day Game update

Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2005 10:48 pm
by kutusov
Communiqué from Allied Supreme headquarters RAF Leuchaurs 2130hrs GMT 30th December 2005

Forces of the Combined Allied armies commenced operations At 0900 UK time (Slightly delayed due to adverse weather conditions) connected to “Operation Overlord” the liberation of occupied Europe.

Airborne forces of the US and the British launched attacks by Parachute and Glider on key targets in occupied France with the first allied troops landing in France at 00.15 hrs with the first sea borne landings taking place at 0630hrs on Utah & Omaha beaches.

Ste Marie Eglise
Pathfinders of the US 82nd Airborne were dropped at 00.15hrs in the area of Ste Marie Eglise quickly followed by the remainder of the 82nd.The drop was a great success with minor losses taken during the drop, the 82nd quickly occupied strategic towns/bridges and roads in the area inflicting heavy losses on the German defenders and crushing all attempts made by German reinforcements to break through. By 0730hrs 82nd airborne commanders reported the area secure with minor moping up operations continuing. Allied losses are described as light. Although reports are coming in that the commander of the US Airborne Corps was killed :( as his HQ tried to repel a German armoured unit, which was attempting to break through the 82nds defensive lines.


Units of the British 6th Airborne lead by the 9th parachute Battalion lead a daring assault at 0015hrs on the heavily defended radar station and Gun battery at Merville.
We regret to inform you that heavy losses were taken during the initial drop with detachments scattered over a wide area of the French country side, those units remaining in the area of the Merville battery and radar station succeeded in putting the latter out of action but reports indicate that the strong German garrison has beaten back our forces with heavy losses. The commander Leading the attack Col Jed Harbridge-Rose is missing believe KIA and was last heard in the thick of the fighting shouting what was thought to be his Family motto 1’s not more 1’s and something about green not being his lucky colour for dice.

At 0630hrs troops from the US 1st Infantry Division launched a sea borne landing onto the beaches code named Omaha.
Early reports have confirmed that the first assault wave suffered severe losses with the majority of the supporting DD tanks in the first wave failing to make the shore but reports are coming in that by 0730hrs the second wave With its armour are ashore safely and are battling on the beaches to overcome the strong defending force.

Pointe du Hoc

The 2nd US Rangers at 0630hrs launched their attack on the Gun battery on the cliffs at the above location.
We regret to report they suffered heavy losses due to the severe weather conditions in the area swamping their transport. The remaining troops are continuing on their mission.

At 0630hrs the US 29th Inf Div launched a sea borne landing onto the beaches code named Utah initial reports indicate that the first 2 waves are ashore despite difficulties in landing troops on their correct sectors causing congestion the allied commanders decided to launch their attack from where they landed.
Reports indicate that casualties have been light and they are now battling to break through the German defences and to clear the beaches for the next wave.

A Unit of the British 6th Airborne the Ox & Bucks lead a daring Glider assault at 0015hrs on the vitally important & thought to be heavily defended bridges over the Orne river and the canal de Caen reports indicate that they have achieved their objectives and control the bridges. Heavy fighting continues from German reinforcements. Allied troops have suffered heavy losses and are waiting for relief from forces landing on the nearby beaches.(In plain English it’s a bit dodgy at the moment)

Vierville/Ste Marie Du Monte
Pathfinders of the US 101st Airborne were dropped at 00.15hrs in the area of Ste Marie Du Monte & Vierville quickly followed by the remainder of the 101st. by parachute & Glider
The drop was a great success with acceptable losses taken during the drop, the 101st quickly occupied strategic towns and roads in the area inflicting heavy losses on the German defenders and crushing all attempts made by German reinforcements to dislodge them. By 0730hrs 101st airborne commanders reported the area secure although defensive operations are ongoing as the Germans continue to launch small-scale attacks.
The US commander who hails from Falkirk seemed well pleased with the result.
Other news

Commanders from both sides report-varying degrees of financial losses as penalty payments were inflicted as per the agreement regarding gloating and such like. Most decided to pay in advance and use up their credits.


Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2006 11:00 am
by barr7430
REALLY SORRY I MISSED THIS. Jed probably explained the extenuating circumstances! :cry: :oops:

I've seen the pics and heard the tales of glory!


Posted: Sat Jan 07, 2006 4:11 pm
by kutusov
Hi Barry

we heard the tale could happen to anyone. :wink:

It was a great couple of days (I only managed the first as something unexpected came up for the friday) but it was spectacular :shock: to see all the tables laid out and the amount of kit that was needed to fill them was huge.
On reading the game information provided the amount of research the RAF guys must of done for the landings timetable was impressive.

Players from both sides(German&brits) lost a small fortune in Penalty payments with Jeds woes at merville but as usual all played in good fun.

I even got into trouble from Jed for not using the glider models on my table as decoration after all the trouble they went to get enough of them(Ive never seen so many gliders and landing craft in one place)

I believe they intend doing Arnhem in the future :lol: on the same scale hopefully the Raf boys will make it sooner than later as it seems ashame to keep all those gliders in a cupboard for to long :wink:

I'd get your names down for that one
