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New gaming idea

Posted: Sun Mar 26, 2006 8:04 pm
by barr7430
Imagine yourself on a motorway(freeway if you are reading this is the US!, Autostrada, Autobahn etc etc).. now look away into the distance at any car that is more that 500 metres away and coming toward you....

What is it??? RIGHT! You haven't got a clue!

Now, imagine yourself crouching down in the turret of your T34 near Prokhorovka on the 3rd day of the main German offensive... Enemy tanks are coming towards you through the smoke, burning, oily smoke, flying metal and dirt. The tank is bouncing up and down and you are choking on cordite fumes from the breach of your 76mm. Your gunner says " Enemy tanks at 3 o clock, range 800 metres.

Do you

a. Say: "don't bother shooting, it's a Tiger with armour value 8(going up to 9 at this range), we'll never do anything to it, let's pick an easier target" OR

b. "double move" round it's right flank and try a couple of shots from there

c. Reverse out of the way and get the hell out of there

d. FIRE!!!!

How many times did Allied troops in Normandy mistake EVERY German tank for a Tiger?

Well what I'm thinking is this.... developing a game mechanism whereby ANY MODEL TANK can be placed on the table over a certain distance from the shooter (thus creating a psychological effect). The real model will of course be known to the player and any damage will be taken (obviously with concealed/controlled dice rolling) in accordance with the ACTUAL STATS of what the target is supposed to be. But.... they gaming possibilities :idea: Your opponent places on a Panther, you take a shot from your M4A3 at 20 inches range and.... KNOCK IT OUT!!! Because it was actually a MkIIIJ! OR Your 88 opens up at a target which appears to be T34 at a range of 38 inches and the shell bounces straight off because it was in fact an ISII.

Yes you would need

a. Trust
b. Players who get on with each other
c. Umpire(maybe)

But .... it will work (I'll prove it in a game soon!)

Posted: Mon Mar 27, 2006 5:50 am
by Anonymous
i think your doctor should increase the dose barry the current one isn't working :roll:

Posted: Mon Mar 27, 2006 12:24 pm
by Anonymous
I like the idea.

But is it really new? Isnt it one of the classic "Fog of war" rules of tabletop wargaming? To use the wrong models.


Posted: Tue Mar 28, 2006 7:27 am
by azeroth
To quote from close combat a bridge to far "you're all mad"

I think it might work, but don't we do that anyway at DTS? these panzer 3 are really panzer 4's? lol


Posted: Tue Mar 28, 2006 2:02 pm
by barr7430
Frank, maybe it's not new but I had never heard of/seen it before :oops:

I am going to try and put some science behind it :shock: (HAS TO BE A FIRST TIME :wink: )

Ian,no, we don't do that at DTS, you need to stay off the hallucenagenics 8) .......................well ok, maybe we did it a couple of times but it simply means that we all have to PAINT MORE OF THE RIGHT MODELS :shock: