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Posted: Wed Mar 15, 2006 11:39 pm
by barr7430
Get off the - now Yuri!... you are ranting... meanwhile, back to more pertinent issues....

Ming the Merciless rescued Phatti?, Ming's Chinese hordes entered Samarkhand? Umpire, I think you were in a parallel and opium smoke filled universe.... Samarkhand was under the benevolent control of the Baron Ival. I seem to remember ousting, at point of bayonet, some crazed loons from the central temple, cooperating with the Army of God and finally 'finding' the delectable Phatti(lady boy) in said temple. NOT in -- TOWERS next door..with the pink window frames.(Actually I know a place like that in Singapore - locally called ' Four Floors of Whores(oops) :oops: Anyway, back to O'Brien's snakiness - there was not a Chinaman in sight when Phatti was found - where did you get your info you scoundrel..are you working for Wolf Studios(bloody well looked as if you were during the game anyway)

The Baron says

"You are all CLAIMED" :twisted:

Posted: Thu Mar 16, 2006 12:36 am
by thinredline
No sir, you are mistaken,

The Japs and Ming presented Yuri with a Royal Flush and asked him to mediate as an honest broker. This is what he did. Ask the umpires, Ming and the Japs.

You insult my integrity sir, and will be called upon in future to answer for your contemptuous remarks. You may recall my refusal to interact with all your twisted advances and total refusal to treat with your malevolant opportunistic offers of alliances, bribery, and blackmail.

Irrespective of my low standing in the overall results, at least it was above yours, and at least I can hold my head high as an honourable man when all around were of lesser character, bearing, and demeanour ! (Schnapps excepted of course) :D

legitimately otained information was given by the umpires that Phatti was in the Pink Palace of Samarkand. :x Information that ultimately lead Ming to Victory

My own troops were too predisposed to the attentions of otherwise hostiles and being to the rear of Ming I was unable to reach the palace in time to intervene, even if she were there as intimated by the umpires.

I shall seek redress for your insults :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:


Bob and the Baron

Posted: Thu Mar 16, 2006 7:34 am
by Alpha
I see Bobs world is back!
The united and victorious Bolshevik Army will remember their dealings with the Barron and the way my comrades were hustled out of out their queen of spades! poker faced git! :evil: You will suffer when I next field my new Horse Artillery Tczanka Battery... :x
Oh and Bob keep charging my formed infantry and HMGS with cavalry…..that was fun :lol:

Bolshevik 2!

Posted: Thu Mar 16, 2006 9:50 am
by obriendavid
As the drug crazed Count Yuri has rightly pointed out Phatti was indeed hiding in the pink palace and although many people had been through the palace unless you knew the hiding place she would not have been found. Many people have also been through Phatti but that's another story and don't tell the Beg of Bokhara. Anyway the Mad Baron was probably too high on gas to notice what was going on around him, locked up in his own little world of violence, intruige and back stabbing.


Posted: Thu Mar 16, 2006 12:35 pm
by barr7430
No need to qualify the type of stabbing(ie back), 'Stabbing' would have been good enough.

Anyway, what was the significance of Phatti? I thought she was just an extra from one of the 1920s - movies that Peter's company were making :shock:

Posted: Thu Mar 16, 2006 12:36 pm
by sharnydubs
Interesting that the game resulted in the deaths of at least four of the faction leaders - Dale's , mine, Adrian's and Andrew N.'s. It was particularly sad to see my own Max Factor clubbed to death by his own former baggage handlers, gifted to Adrian's archaelologists in spirit of friendship and reconciliation. Strange that our two pacifist factions finished off the game in a fight to the death !

My learnings from the game
1. Aeroplanes are ace !
2. Armoured vehicles are worth their weight in points
3. Buy some dogs- Adrian's ripped me to shreds
4. Baggage handlers are as effective as characters at close range
5. Befriend Albert Einstein
6. The notes are 10,000 each not 1,000
7. Never agree to share treasure or treasure secrets
8. Take every shooting opportunity you can.
9. There can only be one winner

My new army is going to be the Crufts Armoured Aerial Dog display team.

Till the next one


Posted: Thu Mar 16, 2006 5:22 pm
by barr7430
I would add:

1. Don't trust anyone
2. Kill everyone
3. Take as many Mongol cavalry as you are allowed
4. Blow things up (good for morale)
5. Irritate those around you with gratuitous noises, gestures and laughter every time something bad happens to them! :shock:

Posted: Thu Mar 16, 2006 8:10 pm
by thinredline
I take exception to being described as "drug crazed".

You should know from the rules that we Russians (White) are allowed copious amounts of VODKA :shock: Needless to say your eyes would be bulging red and your manner one of drunken stupefication given the quantities Vodka my troops imbibed.

Who needs - when you can get pi--ed as a Rat :shock: :shock:

Count Yuri

Posted: Fri Mar 17, 2006 10:40 am
by sharnydubs
I was reading last night about the British expedition to Tibet in 1904 in which they attacked a monastery with their British and Indian troops.
I knew there had been precedent !

Posted: Fri Mar 17, 2006 12:02 pm
by barr7430
Apart from my honest, forthright and generally predictable approach to empire building in Manchuria :wink: I have the following assessments to make of my 'rivals' :D

Red Andrei Nicholson : Idealistic, headstrong, not to be trusted :?
Wang Lang Pi Calder: Inscrutable, generally trustworthy but well capable of snakiness :o
JungAdolf Howe: pathalogical liar, untrustworthy, backstabbing opportunist who would(and probably did) sell his own grandmother for personal gain. NOT TO BE TRUSTED UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES WHATSOEVER. :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
Ming the Merciless Anderson: Two faced(more like 5 faced), devious and mendacious opportunist. Not to be trusted. :evil:
Max Factor Nicholson: Psychotic, crazed murdering loon with no respect for religion, honour, agreements, human rights, decency.. in other words perfectly suited for the movie industry :shock: :wink:
Yuri Deadovitch Lauder pompous, up himself, Russian minor nobility whose been hanging around the tradesman's entrance to the British legation for too long. Wants to be British but he can't get his red mess jacket over his kaftan. Doesn't know a good deal when he sees one! :shock: :wink:
KrasnyDavidovitch Imreiski conspiracy theory obsessed, pre cold war, small minded communist, who thinks everyone is out to get his little corner of Siberia... I've got news for you... WE ARE :twisted:
YesaiKhan Paterson: Opium smoking, - crazed despot who made too many alliances and paid more attention to Phatti(and her two big pals) than the enemy at the gate. Ming, Me and half of the rest of central asia :shock:
Dale Religious Aethistic leader of the Army of God: a mixed up kid from the slums of Calcutta who turned his back on the treacherous Yanks once too often. Hell bent on revenge he lost sight of the main goal. Will not survive the jungle of intrigue because he stills believes in Santa Claus :shock:
Steve Shogun Shaw: driven by the Japanese obsession to copy everything. In this case he copied the two faced lying strategies of his near neighbours. Never trust anyone who'd eat RAW SQUID :roll:
Andrei Whiter than White Thomson Obviously from a loving home. A naive child who turned his back on a ravenous pack of slavering dogs whose only suggestion was 'trust me'! Lucky you left when you did Andrew! I cut down a few of Ming's men for you the next day Haha.... shot them in the back - about 25 of them!!!

And as for the Umpires..............................

Posted: Fri Mar 17, 2006 3:01 pm
by obriendavid
barr7430 wrote:Apart from my honest, forthright and generally predictable approach to empire building in Manchuria :wink: I have the following assessments to make of my 'rivals' :D
And as for the Umpires..............................
As we will be umpiring the next game I assume you were going to say something along the lines of fair, trusted, honest and impartial but didn't want to embarass us?


Posted: Fri Mar 17, 2006 3:43 pm
by barr7430
Yes, Dave something along the lines of:

F air

R esponsive

A ltruistic

U nbiased

D iligent

S elfless

Posted: Sat Mar 18, 2006 11:23 am
by Anonymous
It is with great pleasure that we announce the awarding of THE ORDER OF THE BLUE LOTUS to Kapitan Shanghai Schnapps chief militaryadvisor to Warlord General SHI-LOH :x for the courageous, disciplined and chivalrous actions of the Frontier Army.
The defence of Urumchi, the march through the mountains and the attack on the Temple of Samarkand ( through the side door :twisted: ) are but three examples.
Thanks to the growing reputation of our brave Kapitan recruits are at this very moment flooding into the region to swell the ranks of our glorious Frontier Army.

( minister of propaganda, Chinese Government )

Posted: Sat Mar 18, 2006 7:41 pm
by barr7430
Wot a good idea......

Nominations for the DISHONOUR ROLL from Back of Beyond, a perfect antedote to the flashing blade hystrionics of the Napoleonic era...

Initial nominations from the Mad Baron Jury:

My Mongol Chief Chukkabottal for killing the Red Army Garrison commander of Alma Aty by breathing on him during a close combat.
Colonel Bailey for twice blowing up the railway track, persuading Andy Thomson's commander to sign over all his troops to the Baron, schmoozing David Imrie out of his Queen of Spades and disguising himself as someone else :shock:

Sergeant Grunt for rallying his men and defending Urga from the Red hordes. Urga is actually a Mongol anagram of Rorke's Drift :shock:

Posted: Sun Mar 19, 2006 6:13 pm
by obriendavid
barr7430 wrote:Wot a good idea......

Nominations for the DISHONOUR ROLL from Back of Beyond, a perfect antedote to the flashing blade hystrionics of the Napoleonic era...:
Barry I wouldn't bother making up a list, you are the obvious winner. Never in the field of wargaming history has so much double-dealing, back stabbing and down right treachery ever been witnessed. There is no competition with any other player. But it was hilarious to watch but I'm sure the guys will be more wary the next time.
