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Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2009 1:13 pm
by obriendavid
Peter, Warflag has a couple of flags for units classed as Walloons but I'm not sure how accurate they are but for our game the Dutch unit would probably be best or hopefully someone else can give you more accurate info.


Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2009 1:46 pm
by Angus Konstam

I have some stuff about your (Wal)loons (at least in Dutch service), and will dig them out and send you an off-site e-mail. there's even a flag...

Of course, the loons also fought for the Spanish and the French - anyone who'd pay them. they were afa popular loons, ye ken...


Posted: Fri Apr 10, 2009 10:54 am
by thinredline
General Schnapps wrote:Angus, as I know nothing about the period let alone any tactics or who is who it might be best if I skulked behind the earthworks with the French and spent the weekend shooting at the allies in the open.
I might have guessed :roll: :roll: :roll:
Schnapps hiding behind wall, lurking, skulking or whatever :wink: :wink:
Just typical Kevin, can't wait to cross swords again :D :D

Happy Easter

Posted: Fri Apr 10, 2009 11:11 am
by obriendavid
Peter, I think you had better forget about the Dutch regiment as my references have them in blue uniforms instead of the green that the Austrian Walloon battalions wore. One of my references also gives the flags as blue and not the red shown on the Warflag site so I'm not sure which reference is correct?


Posted: Fri Apr 10, 2009 2:16 pm
by sharnydubs
Thanks guys, I bought the figures off Ebay , green coats red cuffs, apparently Walloon Infantry, nicely painted and my entire contribution to the Marlborough game apart from a couple of command stands which I am painting up myself.

I won't manage down for the set up on the Friday night as my youngest , Julia, is holding her final year exhibition that night at Gray's School of Art in Aberdeen. I will be down early on the Saturday and there for both days gaming.

If you need me to bring terrain boards I will ask if either Kevin or Andrew can take them down on Friday or I can drop them, off in Kirriemuir earlier in the week.

Links to Dutch info

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 2:03 pm
by Rogerdodger
Angus tells me that he's got me down as the Prince of Orange. Does anybody have any links to info on him or indeed his army? Also any links to info on Malburian British Dragoons would be very useful. I'm drawing a blank on my searches and there are surely pages and pages of stuff on him.

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 4:35 pm
by Angus Konstam

All the uniform information you want (and more) can be found in handy-dandy little books on The Armies and Uniforms of Marlborough's Wars, written by our very own Charles S. Grant, and sold by Partizan Press/Caliver Books. They also sell useful little booklets on the Dutch and British Armies of William III - a little early for Malplaquet, but very useful nonetheless.

As for all this Orange malarkey, I'd expect nothing less from an Ulsterman...


Re: Links to Dutch info

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 11:49 pm
by obriendavid
Rogerdodger wrote:Also any links to info on Malburian British Dragoons would be very useful. .
Roger, I already have Hay's dragoons (Scots Grey's) and Ross' dragoons (Royal Irish) I'm not sure without checking my references which other British dragoons were there. As you are already painting Dutch cavalry would you not be better painting Dutch dragoons?


Malplaquet info

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2009 11:35 am
by Rogerdodger
Many thanks for the replies Angus and Dave. I've got Charles' book and a cheap second hand Sapherson about the Dutch on order but havn't received them yet. I'm painting the British Cavalry for Dale Smith but he didn't specify which regiment. My difficulty is that I'm itching to get the painting done but books which I've ordered havn't arrived yet. My other difficulty is that I'm a cheapskate and I've ordered books through the library instead of coughing up the extra cash to buy them outright. That's why I was wondering if anyone had links to any web pages. There's always some web boffin who might have something on the Prince of Orange or the Dutch army. I've had another web search and it looks like the only British dragoons at Malplaquet were Dave's Scots Greys and Royal Irish. However I see that the Kings Regiment of Horse along with the 3rd, 5th, 6th and 7th Regiments of Horse were there. So perhaps I can paint them as one of these regiments instead? If you could let me know which regiment and even give me some painting info to get going on in the meantime I would be most grateful. On the other hand I think the 4th Dragoons had some smart looking green facings. Wouldn't you like some pretty green dragoons on table?? :lol: Once my Dutch foot have died horribly in droves we'll need a grand finale with the cavalry.

Posted: Sun Apr 19, 2009 4:50 pm
by thinredline
Fortifications available pour les Francais :wink:

Hovels ACW Gabion/Gun emplacements
7 corner 100 x100mm frontage with gun emplacement to corner
2 double straights sections 200mm -2 gun emplacements
4 single sections 100mm frontage - one gun emplacement
3 sections ofx 6 Nr. gabions 100mm frontage
6* single individual gabions
ravelin type bank 200mm frontage :D

Village Green earth fort - earth rampart stands 40mm high with firing step 25mm high - corner bastions, straights, corners, gates and damaged ramparts straight sections 150mm long, these may be a bit too much on the scale of things depending on the time the French had to prepare their positions. Dave will possibly know what I'm trying to describe. 8)


Posted: Mon Apr 20, 2009 11:05 am
by obriendavid
Thanks Bob, now I'll convert the measurements to real sizes :lol:


Posted: Mon Apr 20, 2009 9:34 pm
by Dale
I'm not sure what the French field defences of the period looked like but I do have lengths of banked/grassed earthworks withsome stonework but mainly wooden defences on top. There are timber walkways behind that and larger areas that artillery might occupy. It' all a bit Saxon looking, probably because it is. I'll let Charles run his eye over this stuff on Sunday. If it fits the bill then I have about 8 feet of it.

Dutch uniforms & colours

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2009 5:13 pm
by Rogerdodger
Huzaah. My Sapherson has arrived at long last. If I can be of any help to anybody regarding Dutch info I can now add my name to the list. My first regiment of Dutch horse is Aughrim, the second will be Athlone and I shall do Dale's as Dutch Saxe-Heilburg mainly because I can get colours for these three from warflag. Hope that is ok. I'm open to suggestions for the latter two if this doesn't suit the order of battle.

Battle of Malplaquet

Posted: Tue May 05, 2009 7:28 pm
by Churchill
Hello Gentlemen,

Being interested in Marlborough and his battle's, I was wondering if you allow outsider's into your games.I am at present building the British forces present at the Battle of Blenheim (see my thread "Blenheim OOB".
By June I should have 9 x 18 man battalions all based as per Barry's rules.Unfortunatly no horse or artillery (not yet anyway) :wink:.
The Regiments I have are :- 1st Foot Guards, 1st Royal Scots (2 btns), 3rd Foot (Buffs), 8th Foot, 10th Foot, 18th Foot, 21st Foot and the 26th Foot.
There isn't a great deal of information on British uniform's and Flag's, but Robert Hall's colour plate's on the Pike & Shot Society are a great help.
Angus this is a huge battle with Villars mustering some 90,000 men comprising of roughly 120 battalions, 250 squadrons and 60 to 80 guns.
The allies mustered about 110,000 men with 128 battalions (15,000 British Infantry), 253 squadrons and 100 guns.
British Regiments present at Malplaquet..........
1st Foot Guards
2nd Foot Guards
1st Foot "Royal Scots"
3rd Foot
8th Foot
10th Foot
15th Foot
16th Foot
18th Foot
19th Foot
21st Foot
23rd Foot
24th Foot
26th Foot
37th Foot

Lumley's Horse
Wood's Horse
Cadogan's Horse
Wyndham's Horse
Schomberg's Horse
Hay's Horse
Ross's Horse

If I could take part??? then a british command would be nice :wink: if not Marlborough or Orkney then General Withers would be good.
Where and When???

Kind Regards...............Ray.


Posted: Wed May 06, 2009 11:18 am
by obriendavid
Sorry Ray but we already have enough players plus we are trying to limit the size of the group to just a bunch of friends. Opening the door to one person would start an avalance of requests from others wishing to join the group. All the units you have mentioned are already taken care of but thanks for your offer.

Sorry to disapoint.