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Great Weekend! Thanks to everyone!

Posted: Sun Nov 25, 2007 6:59 pm
by barr7430
Just when we thought we had plateau'd on fun it seemed to get even funnier and more enjoyable.

I really enjoyed this weekend and thought that every aspect from the mega efficient set up/tear down on Friday/Sunday to the banter at the tables, dinner talk and apres match analysis in the bar was of the highest quality.

Thanks a lot for making it a brill weekend.

Sorry my camera had a dose of the Botts :oops: I'm sending it to Carl Zeiss immediately for a tonic (or perhaps to Dr Fuji :D )

Till next time!!!

PS....any card ideas send 'em in!

Posted: Sun Nov 25, 2007 7:59 pm
by thinredline
The whole weekend was a tonic, it even managed to put a smile on my face when "we wus getting whipped" :shock:

I need more of this kind of medicine, and looking forward to Ligny. :wink:

Nice job on the game organisation at short notice "B", a lot of work and some crackers of event cards. The re-supply mechanism worked well to, keeping the game flowing with an endless "supply of cannon fodder" 8)

Great gaming, great company, and another great weekend :D
Hope all the travellers had a safe journey home.


Thank you all

Posted: Sun Nov 25, 2007 9:11 pm
Dear Barry & Gentlemen, Firstly well done Barry for putting the weekend together - a fantastic achievement. It was obvious from the moment I arrived on Sunday morning that Saturday had gone really well. I am sorry I had to miss it. Likewise the "evening agend" - dinner and bar (always my strong point). However I really enjoyed my Sunday althought with my performance as a German armoured commander (Heavy metal recycler!!) you will all understand why I spent 34 years in the infantry!
Great to see you all and I can't wait for Ligny and March. Best wishes to you all and may Father Christmas deliver many new recruits for your armies to your door. Yours aye, Charles

Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2007 10:15 am
by sharnydubs
Great weekend, thoroughly enjoyable games, thanks again Barry. The cards worked really well, especially on the Saturday with the mixture of infantry and vehicle cards.

A few suggestions for additional cards
1) Engineer- could work to "fix " a tank and remove the immobilised marker without actually repiring any of the critical damage
2) Sabotage- vehicle has had anti-tank mine attached without being noticed.
3) Defective shells- Roll D10 - 1-5 fires normally , 6-10 explodes in gun turrent causing damage to firer
4) Fuel leakage - tank grinds to a halt unless it is refuelled
5) Fuel - additional fuel for tank - Use once
6) Demotion - can force another player to return one of their cards to the deck
7) Dig in - allows tank to dig in / stay in a pit providing -2 on bieng hit
8) Four feathers- forces tank to head full speed towards nearest enemy

just some ideas


Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2007 2:46 pm
by barr7430
Many thanks for the kind words chaps :D It truly is appreciated when effort are acknowledged :D
I think sometimes being under a little pressure actually stimulates me to get a good job done :wink:
Peter thanks for these suggestions I WILL adopt and produce cards for future use 8)

Some of my highlights of the weekend:

Adrian's outstanding kill tally of 5 KO'd Panthers with a platoon of Sherman M4s: A truly awesome wargames achievement, however he managed it :shock: 8)

Andy's MASTER Gunner - killer shot at a range of nearly 140 inches which took out a Panther.

Paul's lone 'ambush tank' surviving 17 shots from 6 heavy German units over 5 turns before finally being knocked out.

Dave O'Brien's final shot of Day 2 which KO'd thelast German tank with a foothold on objective 3 thus winning an outright Soviet Victory!

Peter's use of BIG JOE with whom everybody(including the Umpires!) got thoroughly sick!

Peter's Kelly's Heroes charge which met with success as did Paul's Lili Marlene and Dave's 'They don't like it up 'em!

The Luftwaffe Ice Maiden wipe out of FRENCH RESISTANCE and then slapping the Commandos about :shock: :shock:

The look on Charles' face when his newly arrived Tiger was taken out striaght through the turret by Paul!

And of course the endless card playing hilarity!!

Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2007 7:13 pm
by obriendavid
I am still on a high from the weekends fun and games, both games were brilliant, great terrain on the first day, beautifully painted figures and vehicles, a great bunch of guys to game with and someone like Barry putting all his time and effort organising such a great weekend and I though his idea of the gaming cards was a gaming triumph.

I've been so inspired by the weekends gaming that I am seriously contemplating getting some 28mm WW2 figures but will probably get some to fit in with Colin's Syrian/Iraq games.

Cheers to everyone

Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2007 10:36 pm
by General Schnapps
Hi All,
Just like to add my thanks to Barry for yet again organizing a great game especially at such short notice and I have to agree with Dave about introducing the card aspect into the game, they gave the game so much character that normal WW2 games will now seem quite bland.
Highlights and lessons learnt over the weekend:
Day 1 When umpiring read any event card Dale plays very carefully.
Expect the most complicated rule situations to occur in the first
couple of turns before you have found your feet :evil: resulting in
frantic flicking through the rule book as you realize your memory
is not what it once was :oops:

Bob's Shermans constantly rolling OUT OF AMMO.
A car load of French Resistance arriving in the middle of town
intent on causing mayhem behind the German front line only to
have a mortar round hit the car square on the roof and the
survivors mowed down by an MG42 as they staggered out.
Biggest Lesson learnt
Day 2 Under no circumstances let Shermans get behind your
precious Panthers :cry: especially if outnumbered and
fighting RED ADRIAN :)

all in all a great game in great company :D


Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2007 11:51 pm
by PaulMc
Hi folks,

I thoroughly enjoyed both days. The events cards were tremendous and I reckon they would be a great addition to many games in any period. I can't remember having such a laugh during any game for a very long time, and I can't wait for Ligny now.

Thanks to everyone for your fantastic company over the weekend


Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2007 3:45 pm
by Blucher
Not much more to add to the previous comments made by the 'Gents'.

However, must give a large 'thanks' to Barry for organising an amazing weekend and to Kev for his help with the umpiring.

Can't wait until next years 'fixtures'!

Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2007 11:43 pm
by barr7430
Dave, really glad you got such a buzz out of it :D I was also inspired by the bar chat and Colin's tales of derring do in the Middle East, so much so that I looked at that Chieftain Models site you mentiond to me. Very taken with the Vickers Light tanks and the early war British stuff particularly.

I think what I most liked about the weekend was the combination of DH rules and the quirkiness and unpredictability of the cards foiling the best laid plans. Rather than annoy people I think it lifted us away from
'factor based' probabilities of success type thinking and more into Fog of war,' I'll take a chance on this' kind of play.

FUN was the order of the day and yes I think we had it! :wink:

Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2007 11:44 pm
by barr7430
oh and a big thanks to Martin Terroni, Angus & Big Gazza for lending us your toys 8)

Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2007 9:39 am
by big-gazza
barr7430 wrote:Dave, really glad you got such a buzz out of it :D I was also inspired by the bar chat and Colin's tales of derring do in the Middle East, so much so that I looked at that Chieftain Models site you mentiond to me. Very taken with the Vickers Light tanks and the early war British stuff particularly.
so Barry, is it time for me to look at 28mm DAK or Italian Paras. BAM do a nice range of Italian army.


Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2007 10:30 am
by barr7430
Let's do it Gary!!!!

Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2007 11:51 am
by sharnydubs
Even I am inspired to paint up some WWII figs and vehicles and not just rely on my Corgi collection. It will probably pass as a phase but in the meantime perhaps someone can help me.

Who are the best manufacturers of 28mm figs for drivers/ occupants of my Corgi tanks/jeeps/halftracks etc ?

Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2007 12:16 pm
by obriendavid
barr7430 wrote:Dave, really glad you got such a buzz out of it :D I was also inspired by the bar chat and Colin's tales of derring do in the Middle East, so much so that I looked at that Chieftain Models site you mentiond to me. Very taken with the Vickers Light tanks and the early war British stuff particularly.
Barry, I'm glad you were inspired by my descriptions of fighting in Syria and Chieftan models. Have a look at this site for further inspiration
Once you start reading the articles you will see that they are full of gaming scenarios, including the very last time that British troops went to war on horse back.
