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November cowboy extravaganza

Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2008 6:39 pm
by obriendavid
Gents, Colin and myself never got a chance to ask everyone at the weekend game so here we go. Colin and myself would like to invite Jack Glanville to this game as a one-off basis. This is a period that Jack is really into and we feel he could add a lot to the fun of the weekend. We asked a couple of guys and they had no problems with Jack taking part and most of you will know him from Claymore Adrian is probably the only person that might not know him. Another reason is we will be short of Peter Nicholson and other Gentlemen, David Imrie, Mike Anderson, Steve Shaw, Andrew Thomson and Graham Patterson have been unable to make the recent games so we could do with another guy in the group.

If anyone does object then we won't take it personally.


Posted: Wed Mar 19, 2008 10:03 am
by sharnydubs
Guys, I'm happy with Jack being invited along. Unfortunately as you know I won't make the June Peninsular game (my first absence) as my wife unusually and without any prior consultation booked our holidays to coincide. Was it just a coincidence of timing or a sinister plot ?

I will however make the November Cowboy bash and no doubt be able to arrange a small soiree at my house on the Friday night and accomodation as required. Adrian , your room will be prepared just the way you like it !

Posted: Wed Mar 19, 2008 8:48 pm
by Blucher
Dave/Colin, count me in 'pardner's' (you just know it's going to be a weekend of 'puns and inuendoes' - what could be better!) and I'm happy to go with the 'concensus' on Jack.

If there are any 'Injuns' could I please be considered for this role because my memory of being a 'double dealing schiester' who could'nt hold his liquor at 'The Back Of Beyond Games' may return!

Peter, thanks for the offer of 'putting me up'- much appreciated as usual.

'Crazy-Hand Blucher'

Posted: Sat Mar 29, 2008 9:59 am
by Angus Konstam

Jack would be an excellent chap to make up numbers, although I suspect he'd be a natural French commander, and therefore not a proper gentleman.

Pip Pip,

Cap'n Black Angus

Posted: Sat Mar 29, 2008 3:10 pm
by obriendavid
Angus Konstam wrote: Jack would be an excellent chap to make up numbers, although I suspect he'd be a natural French commander, and therefore not a proper gentleman.
Are you sitting in the pub sending this???????? :shock:
What are you on about 'French Commander' we want Jack to come along to the cowboy game :lol: Plus you already knew about this since we spoke to you at the time. :?


Posted: Sat Mar 29, 2008 3:42 pm
by Angus Konstam

No, damn your impertinence - I wasn't drunk - It was just that your post was rather confusing! You didn't actually say which game you planned to invite Jack to, although your post cited the potential absence of several "gentlemen", which implies the summer game. As I thought nobody actually cares about the Cowboy game, and its not the next one, then - like Peter - I presumed you meant the Peninsular bash.

Really, this is the sort of confusion which leads to people sending cavalry brigades up the wrong valley. I just hope that when it comes to the Peninsular you'll be taking charge of Johnny Crapaud's horse!

Anyway, Jack will make as natural a Cowboy as he would a Frenchman.

Yours Aye,

Cap'n Black Angus

Posted: Sat Mar 29, 2008 4:05 pm
by barr7430
Edinburgh really is a little hot bed of dissent isn't it :wink: No wonder the Scottish Parliament can't agree on anything with all of those negative waves floating around the city and you two sniping at each other like recruits from Colonel Schnapps Jaeger Company.

Put the Parliament in the true heart of Scottish political power and influence... that's right... Kirriemuir.

Angus you can go up the wrong valley if you like :shock:

Dave, you can regrow your handlebar western 'tache for the cowboy game.

And as for Jack, I dunno.. but I'm alright :wink:

Posted: Sat Mar 29, 2008 4:48 pm
by Angus Konstam

I've been charging up the wrong valley for years...

Posted: Mon Mar 31, 2008 1:25 pm
by Blucher
Could someone please explain whats going on?

It seems that i'm part of a bizzare.........'.......Carry On Up The Highlands.......'

Anybody object if I bring along 'Babs Windsor' who would love a game with Colin's 'Cathouse Schoolgirl Ninja Hussy Unit', (if he's finished painting the 'fishnets' on by then!)?

'Very Confused' of Grimsby.

Posted: Mon Mar 31, 2008 1:43 pm
by obriendavid
Angus Konstam wrote:Dave
No, damn your impertinence - I wasn't drunk - It was just that your post was rather confusing! You didn't actually say which game you planned to invite Jack to, Angus
Angus, sorry for confusing you.
I thought the subject title, November Cowboy Extravaganza would have been a clue :lol:

Dave (the impertinent)

ps, Adrian, if can get Bab's Windsor to come she's more than welcome.

Posted: Mon Mar 31, 2008 3:14 pm
by Angus Konstam

I never read the small print. I suggest that next time you write clearly, label clearly and don't let Captain Nolan improvise when he gets there...!


Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2008 9:34 am
by thinredline
Pretty tough if "The Wrong Valley" turns out to be a "Box Canyon". :shock: :shock:
Does that mean that the US Cavalry can charge up the valley, charge back down it again when they find its a dead end, and be "blown" all in one move :?:
Come on the Indians :wink:
I suppose that only leaves a bunch of "Cowboys" with winchesters and colts blasting away at each other :lol: :lol: :lol:
P.S. Who said Nolan charged up the wrong valley :?: maybe he meant to, after all he was a "Cavalry Officer" :roll: :roll:

Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2008 11:30 am
by sharnydubs
I'm delighted to see that Andrew and I have challengers for the title of "Squable Kings" !

Roll on the entertainment guys

Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2008 12:37 pm
by obriendavid
You've not seen me and Jack together, and that's when we're on the same side :lol

David Imrie has many an enjoyable game laughing at us. Our last refight of Sarrbruecken was a prime example. Although it was all Jack's fault and nothing to do with me. :twisted:


Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2008 12:42 pm
by obriendavid
sharnydubs wrote:I'm delighted to see that Andrew and I have challengers for the title of "Squable Kings" !

Roll on the entertainment guys
Actually Angus and Dougie, another club member who games with him could give you and Andrew a stiff run for the title. :lol:
