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Wild West Weekend

Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2008 6:11 pm
by Peter McCarroll
Thoroughly enjoyable weekend. Many thanks to all involved especially Colin and Bill for all the hard work that made the game run so smoothly.


Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2008 7:33 am
by sharnydubs
Couldn't agree more. Despite the rush on Friday night I was able to relax for the games. I particularly enjoyed the form of one on one games and then the big bash even though I wasted most of Sunday morning chasing two bottles of whisky and a few dollars !
Thanks to Colin and Bill again and to all the rest of you for turning up.


Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2008 1:38 pm
by Blucher

Another great weekend of gaming and great company! Really enjoyed the pace and speed of the games.

However......I seem to have been 'somewhat maligned' by the 'Nicholson Bros' with regards my 'conduct' in the game! As an 'Upstanding Lawman', just 'upholding the Law' I really don't see what was wrong with my 'ethics'?


Marshal 'Blucher'

Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2008 1:42 pm
by sharnydubs
Hmm, breaking a truce, trespass, cattle rustling , shooting dead a known outlaw when only outnubering him 10 to 1. I wonder.

Good crack Adrian as always. I would never buy a used car from you though !


Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2008 3:53 pm
by barr7430
As a partial attendee I can only add my congrats and thanks and say how much I enjoyed the novelty of playing cowboys again after 37 years (that's how long ago I gave away my Timpo Fort!)
I thought the rules were fun, easily picked up (although it was clear that there were many subtlties for the initiated). Surprisingly sportsman like too although I detect a little of the old rivalries leaking out in the previous posts..
Adrian at it again? :wink:
Peter & Andy carrying on the borthers feud in the tradition of wild west families :roll:

Anyway, I may now invest in some modest gangs and some buildings

Yippe Ky aay as Alan Rickman says in Die Hard 8)

Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2008 4:31 pm
by obriendavid
The weekend was loads of fun with all the vastly different factions taking part. Even the Schnapps family managed to make an appearance with Sergent (hopping Mad) Schnapps, named after his various wounds and the effect they had winning a hard fighting name for himself whilst looking for his families historic enemy the Kellerman's. He was positive they would have been in some outlaw gang and their appearance was seriously missed over the weekend. Hopefully you can make it the next time Bob.


Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2008 8:39 pm
by General Schnapps
Thanks Colin and Bill for a fun weekends gaming and Dave for lending me the figures. Thoroughly enjoyed the whole concept in a period I have never played before .
ps Adrian I didn't realise you had any Ethics when you played :shock:
pps After finishing last in both Back of Beyond and Wild West with Chinese I doubt I'll be using the little *******s again :x

Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2008 12:05 am
by obriendavid
Kev, I don't know what you were doing wrong with the Tong as they are usually quite effective in these games but you really have to tool them up for H2H and get them into combat ASAP. The last mega campaign game we had they came in 2nd only 1 point behind the Mexican which are a similar sort of gang. The next time we do this I'll take the Chinese and you can have the USeless Cavalry


Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2008 9:59 am
by sharnydubs
I would definitely support a re-run sometime, even if we only manage one day.


Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2008 8:12 pm
by General Schnapps
Dave I was trying to get into contact ASAP but everyone kept shooting me :( . Well maybe not everyone but certainly Angus seemed to take a perverse pleasure in gunning me down from a distance, but at least my pet grizzly bear had him running at the end :)

Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2008 8:53 pm
by quindia
Barry said, "Anyway, I may now invest in some modest gangs and some buildings."

Heh, yep. That's how it starts... then you need fences, maybe a stage coach, townsfolk, cattle, a railroad, etc. I am speaking from experience when I thought it would be fun to paint a few explorers and some natives for a "small" Darkest Africa campaign... now I have several hundred figures, a mission station, a native village, a river steamer, jungle terrain, lions...

If Barry gets started, based on his grand battery project, he's liable to end up with a scale model of Silverado!

Posted: Thu Nov 27, 2008 10:07 pm
by obriendavid
The same happened to me Clarence with the Back of Beyond.
When my mate Colin mentioned gaming the period I knew nothing about it but when he showed me some of the Copplestone figures I was interested in buying a pack or two. A few hundred infantry, cavalry, tanks, armoured cars, artillery, machine guns, civilians, aircraft and terrain later I reconed I was hooked on the period. I feel a certain Mr Hilton may have had the same effect on me with Napoleonics.


Posted: Thu Nov 27, 2008 10:14 pm
by obriendavid
General Schnapps wrote:Dave I was trying to get into contact ASAP but everyone kept shooting me :( . Well maybe not everyone but certainly Angus seemed to take a perverse pleasure in gunning me down from a distance, Kev
Sounds damned unsporting to me Kev.
He tried the same trick on me the previous week leaving his town completely undefended as he moved to the far side of a field hoping I would just charge across the open terrain to get mowed down.
He was quite surprised when I split my force in two and edged round the field from both sides protected by the fence. He still managed to gun down a few but ended up losing half his gang in the combat and failing his Head for the hills test.


Posted: Fri Nov 28, 2008 7:59 am
by barr7430
Yup we that makes the honours about even Mr O'Brien as you infected me with you BoB disease :wink:

Posted: Sat Nov 29, 2008 10:19 am
by thinredline
"Kellerman - an OUTLAW"
:shock: :shock:
Constable Kellerman" was "up north" in Elgin, Alberta, duly serving with the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. Had he been assigned any foreign mission in the US of A, it sounds as if he may even have been teaming up with Sergent Schnapps.
As Colin did say to me, only needs one mountie to get the job done, and he always gets his man :lol:
Sounds like the usual suspects had another "ball" of a time