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Carronade 2009

Posted: Tue May 12, 2009 11:01 am
by sharnydubs
Hmm, no postings yet on Carronade 2009. I wonder why.

For me it was a good show with great games from all of the LOGW. I was delighted to see Dave's Mexican American game get an outing, lovely figures and an undergamed period. And I know one trader did a roaring business selling plastic Italeri bridges as a result.

Good traders who took some of my cash and some variety from previous years. Looks like a few of us bought the "Chaps on the Hunt" set from Gripping Beast and the Fu Manchu figures as well as a good few boxes of plastic. For me I picked up some great bases from warbases and some Litko bases from Figures in Comfort.

The venue itself is spacious with pretty good lighting despite the pretty dire weather outside. The PA which seemed to work early in the morning was pretty silent in hall 3 in the afternoon so I missed who won the prizes / best games etc. I found out later it was the Aberdeen club who were as surprised as the rest of us. Between Phil Olley's powered windmill, Barry's backdrop and Kevin's lighted Mummy there were some great inspirational effects this year.

My only negative comment about the show was the bring and buy idea which doesn't really work. I know it requires less manpower from the host club but it also means the punters have to trip upstairs every hour just to see if there is anything new (and there wasn't) and for those of us who might be tempted to part with a dozen excess items, the thought of taking a table for the day / hour is not realistic if you're also running a game.

Guys- can I suggest we have an unmanned bring and buy table at the Malplaquet game ? Bring your excess stuff, put a priuce sticky on it and leave a list and those who want it can give you the cash / exchange or IOU.

Posted: Tue May 12, 2009 11:22 am
by obriendavid
Peter, we have always had the option for people to bring along unwanted lead so feel free to sell your figures, books etc.


Posted: Tue May 12, 2009 1:38 pm
by big-gazza
this was my first time at the show as a punter and I quite enjoyed it. As you said the venue was great, lots of room and plenty to see.

Some very nice games to see which dented my resolve no to get into Naps even more. I have some pics of the 15mm ACW game from the DTS club. I'll post them later.

All in all I thought it was a great show.


Cannonade 2009

Posted: Fri May 15, 2009 3:59 pm
by Churchill
Hi all,

A big thank you to everyone connected with the "Cannonade" Show up in Falkirk yesterday.Over all a very good show, quite a few different trader's to the normal one's you see at other show's, some very good demo games on by various club's and a welcoming handshake from Barry Hilton & David O'Brien.
A big thank you to Dave (who's surname I can't remember ) who asked me if I'd like to join in Barry's napoleonic game, but I had to turn down as other thing's were afoot and I had plans to enter the Painting Competition.
I brought with me three entrie's a 15mm Napoleon & his General's Diarama, and two 28mm Marlburian Regt's (1st Royal Scots and the 21st Foot "Scots Fusiliers") see photo's my last posts.
I watched as the judges debated and a big thank you to those who chose my Scots Fusiliers as 1st place winner's in the historical unit section

See you all again next year.........Ray.

P.S. Peter your right about the B&B a bit disappointing and I entered this post on the day after "Cannonade" in my "Blenheim OOB" thread.
