
WLOA911 Five horse limber
WLOA911 Five horse limber For use with field gun


WLOA912 Five horse limber with field gun
WLOA912 Five horse limber with field gun field artillery in harness


WLOA913 Seven horse limber
WLOA913 Seven horse limber Full team to pull siege piece


WLOA914 seven horse limber and positional gun
WLOA914 seven horse limber and positional gun Full team pulling the BEAST


WLOA918 Siege equipment; bells, sieves etc
WLOA918 Siege equipment; bells, sieves etc various pieces of equipment


WLOA919 Siege equipment; Gun Screen & Ladders
WLOA919 Siege equipment; Gun Screen & Ladders gun screen and scaling ladders


WLOA920 Siege equipment; Fascines
WLOA920 Siege equipment; Fascines different types of fascines


WLOA921 Siege equipment; Super heavy mortar
WLOA921 Siege equipment; Super heavy mortar Mortar + bomb


WLOA922 Siege equipment Chevaux de frise
WLOA922 Siege equipment Chevaux de frise 5 lengths of chevaux de frise


WLOA923 Siege equipment Medium mortar, Coehoorn mortar and petard.
WLOA923 Siege equipment Medium mortar, Coehoorn mortar and petard. 3 mortars
