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FJ001 The Kings Foot Guards
FJ001 The Kings Foot Guards The King's Foot Guards 6 variants including 2 Royal standards


FJ002 Jacobite Foot 1
FJ002 Jacobite Foot 1 Antrim's, De Boisseleau's. Clanrickarde Regiments


FJ003 Jacobite Foot 2
FJ003 Jacobite Foot 2 Bellew's,Louth's & O'Neill's Regiments


FJ004 Jacobite Foot 3
FJ004 Jacobite Foot 3 Dillon's, Lord Grand Prior's, Eustace's Regiments


FJ005 Jacobite Foot 4
FJ005 Jacobite Foot 4 Regiments McMahon, Tyrone & Slane


FJ006 Jacobite Foot 5
FJ006 Jacobite Foot 5 Regiments of Lord Gormanston, Charles O'Brien and Creagh's


FJ007 Jacobite Foot 6
FJ007 Jacobite Foot 6 Regiments of Dudley Bagnall,Earl of Westmeath and John Grace.


FJ008 French in Ireland 1
FJ008 French in Ireland 1 Famenchon, Forez & La Marche regiments


FJ009 French in Ireland 2
FJ009 French in Ireland  2 Regiments Merode, Tournasis and Zurlauben


FJ010 Jacobite Standards at Killiecrankie 1
FJ010 Jacobite Standards at Killiecrankie 1 The flags of Locheil, Purcell and the Royal Standard of Scotland (variant shading)
