Shop - 4PLAY wargaming scenario PDFs

4P021 Letter of marque
4P021 Letter of marque Three privateer/pirate scenarios for Donnybrook at Sea


4P022 1666 Pyromania!
4P022 1666 Pyromania! Donnybrook and Donnybrook at Sea scenarios


4P023 The German Vagabond - Prince Rupert Roylist Admiral 1648-1653
4P023 The German Vagabond - Prince Rupert Roylist Admiral 1648-1653 Three fleet actions involving the great Royalist commander Prince Rupert of the Rhine


4P024 Duels
4P024 Duels 4 epic ship to ship duels from 1649 to 1697


4P025 Celtic Seas 1689-1691
4P025 Celtic Seas 1689-1691 War of the League of Augsburg 1688-1697. Naval encounters around Britain and Ireland


4P027 Crann Tara! Inter-clan wars 1660-1689
4P027 Crann Tara!  Inter-clan wars 1660-1689 The little known but vicious clan battles between Whig and Stuart-aligned clans in the period from the Restoriation to the Nine Years War.


4P028 Mud and Blood. The Battle of Aughrim 1691 Part 1
4P028 Mud and Blood. The Battle of Aughrim 1691  Part 1 Three BLB scenarios from Ireland's bloodiest battle


4P029 In Hoc Signo Vinces. The Battle of Aughrim 1691 Part 2
4P029 In Hoc Signo Vinces. The Battle of Aughrim  1691 Part 2 Three BLB scenarios from Ireland's bloodiest battle


4P030 Every man a hero. The Battle of Aughrim 1691. Part 3
4P030 Every man a hero. The Battle of Aughrim 1691. Part 3 Three scenarios handling skirmish actions on July 12th 1691.


4P031 Rats in a barrel? The Battle of Vagen 1665
4P031 Rats in a barrel? The Battle of Vagen 1665 Fascinating battle of the 2nd Anglo Dutch War
