ACW Rules playtest groups wanted

covering mainly Crimean & American Civil War
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Re: ACW Rules playtest groups wanted

Post by ELK101 » Wed Sep 14, 2011 9:16 pm

Hi there Barry. We've just finished writing and playtesting our own house brigade level ACW rules. If I'd known you were working on your rules I would have waited! I haven't played Republic to Empire (we use our own rules) but I certainly like the sound of them from what I've read on the forum and from your articles in Wargames Illustrated. We don't profess to produce anything other than something that entertains us for an evening and indulges us in our periods of interest, but we would be very happy to help with playtesting, especially having just gone through a similar (albeit less sophisticated than I'm sure your rules will be!) process. It's been very interesting watching gamers who are largely Napoleonic wargamers adapting to the ACW setting. We've had players continue to try and employ Napoleonic tactics with troops which have echoed a lot of what I've read about the period when commanders of the day have tried similar things (cavalry charges!). If you're sorted for playtesters then no problem, I'll look forward to seeing their development. All the best, Steve.
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Friedrich August I.
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Re: ACW Rules playtest groups wanted

Post by Friedrich August I. » Sat Sep 17, 2011 11:33 am


while reading the rules and following your hint regarding "Siege"-Rules I asked myself how to classify a costal or River Fortress after BUA? Some of this Forts are builtup Earthworks but others are quite more than that. Let alone the lines of fortifications from Cold Harbor to Richmond and Petersburg. Pure Field artillery wouldnt do much harm so siege guns and Mortars are to be needed.

Btw., Batteries may not be that strict handled to have 4 guns for Confederate and 6 guns for Union. I would rather say 30% could be 6 guns for the Rebels and 30% maybe 4 guns for the Union.
Also the Artillerytypes is of good use at the start of the Civil War but 1862/63 the Union working on 12pdr Napoleons and 10pdr Parrots. The later are to be replaced by 3"Ordonnance Rifles in the 1863-1865.
The Confederates used whatever they could lay their hands on and with the help of the Union they refurbished their Artillery 1861/62 replacing 1841-6pdr and -12pdr with Napoleons and Parrots.
I realize that the rules should be for fun and swiftness but a lucky shot over 2 miles across the table with a battery of Withworth 12pdr are a fun you wont miss. So done while playing Johnny Reb firing at extreme range and hitting a moving battery :mrgreen: He never know's what hits him :lol:
Just a few thoughts which all could be dimissed if made for "house-rules".

„Macht Euch Euren Dregg alleene“

"Sort your filth out by yourself!" The King of Saxony Friedrich August III., at his abdication 1918, referred to the quarrels in the parliament and the squabbling within the provisional government.
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