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Post by barr7430 » Thu May 05, 2005 11:21 am

Hello All,

since the Forum started to really take off I have noticed a lot of genuinely valuable information dripping in on various topics. It is often around:

1. Source material
2. Uniform detail
3. Regimental history
4. Orders of Battle
5. Resources - figures, paints etc
6. Tactics
7. Books
8. Flags

This stuff is the fuel which keeps us Wargamers enthused and playing. I have been pondering on the best way to capture this data for re use but hesitated at taking on such a large task myself until one of our number volunteered to start organising it!

Enter Lindsay! Lindsay is going to bring some order to the chaos by sifting and sorting as well as contributing so that all of the good stuff posted by all of us is accessible in an easy and convenient way. He is mainly concentrating on the 1680-1715 period(in line with an area of common interest for many of us). I will sift the other stuff for now.

You need do nothing other than indicate in some way on your POSTING that the material may be of use for a particular ARCHIVE. I have begun to open ARCHIVES in the WARCHEST and I suspect these will grow fairly rapidly.

Of course all postings cannot contain this kind of material and the rather anarchic nature of a Forum is one of its biggest attractions so this is not some kind of Civil Service organisational initiative!!!!. I just thought it would add some value to regular and casual visitors alike. Keep the flip comments coming too! I think Colonel Schnapps and Kellerman may well have their handbags out before too long :shock:

All the best

martin terroni
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Post by martin terroni » Thu May 05, 2005 1:49 pm

Cheers barry, ps Colonel Schnapps and Kellerman , what a hoot.

all the best :D



Post by Anonymous » Thu May 05, 2005 5:15 pm

If you want you can send info directley to me at my e-mail address. mark e-mail with the groups listed below.this is for easier sorting.I will try to answer you if you have questions but it may take a day or two (painting for demo game in July) :lol:
1. Source material
2. Uniform detail
3. Regimental history
4. Orders of Battle
5. Resources - figures, paints etc
6. Tactics
7. Books
8. Flags
I am in the process of getting Foot regiment uniforms for the British from this period finished to send to Barry. as is always the case there are gaps in the info once its up on the Warchest forum feel free to send me any additional info you may have so Barry can update it :lol: Any information for any nation from 1680 -1715 is more than welcome. A central data base for painters and gamers alike if you will.I am also compiling a bibliography for this period too and any help ask regards books or online resources is welcome. Thank you all in advance. Regards Lindsay
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Post by thinredline » Thu May 05, 2005 9:06 pm

Hi Lindsay,

Read a couple of the Regimental Articles, and suitably impressed Sir!

Being a descendant of a well known "Turkish family" from Motherwell, the Cameronians were my Grandfathers regiment, disbanding at the Regimental Headquarters in Hamilton, where they still have a Regimental Museum.

My Grandfather saw service in "Mesopotamia" (Iraq) and fought against some hill tribesmen called "The Kurds" in 1919. He lost his two trigger fingers to a enemy bullet here. Lucky his fingers got in the way of his head.

Keep up the good work, Barry deserves all the help you can gie him!


First Archive Material

Post by Anonymous » Fri May 06, 2005 5:17 am

I have sent barry the first archive material about the Battle of Dettingen. Hopefully it will be in the warchest as soon as he looks it over and hopefully adds pictures :) Regards Lindsay
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Post by barr7430 » Fri May 06, 2005 8:33 pm


just a thought... I don't have time to check copyright detail etc so I would kindly ask you all just to spare a thought before we post anything that may be either someone's intellectual property or where reproduction is by permission only/restricted/prohibited by law.

Lindsay, I'm sure you've checked your stuff, obviously I haven't had a chance to upload/pdf anything yet but will start to feed it in and when I can.

Today I've been off work and have taken advantage to finish my terain for the Sedgemoor game. Pics tonite 8)

Cheers and thanks


As regards posts to archives

Post by Anonymous » Fri May 06, 2005 9:23 pm

Most of the articles in free domain and elsewhere its always best to send quote of where the source material is from and author of said material is.
Most articles from history books etc if is rewritten and/or you make a synopsis of larger works or paragrgraph qoutes with original author can be construed as research material and not as plagerism. Taking someone's intellectual property or where reproduction is by permission only/restricted/prohibited by law. That is plagerism. I don't know what the laws regarding this are in Brotain as I have not lived there since 1996. here in the states it depends on state and federal laws. Regards Lindsay
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